Buying Real Estate and Owning a Property in Playa del Carmen & Tulum

Frequent Question about Buying a Property in Riviera Maya

Can Foreigners Own A Property In Mexico?

Of course! Nowadays, Mexican laws give foreigners the posibility to own real estate in Mexico including Playa del Carmen and Tulum. However, you must be aware that the Mexican goverment has established a Resticted Area extending 50 km inland from the shore. If you want to buy a property inside this zone there are two options:

Buy a property Through a Mexican Banktrust or Fideicomiso

A fideicomiso is established by the goverment and entitles a foreinger with the same rights as a Mexican citizen, however you won’t recieve the simple title instead the bank holds it in trust.

>>>Want to learn more about Bank Trust? Read our guide here!<<<

Establish a Mexican Corporation

If you are considering to start a business, this is your option. By creating a corporation you will have the right to make bussines in Mexico and be the direct owner of the property.

Outside the Restricted Area, as a foreinger you may acquire a property and be direct owner with all the rights of a Mexican citizen in compliance with Mexican Law.

Why Should I Consider Buying Property In Playa Del Carmen Or Tulum?

Mayan Riviera is a top world-destination for both vacation and retirement among US and Canadian citizens. Mexico’s economy is the 9th largest in the world and always encourages foreign investment.

How much should I expect to pay in taxes of my property?

Property tax in Mexico is known as Predial and it is  calculated as .25% of the assessed value, determined at the time of sale. 

Are there financing options for my real estate purchase in Mexico?

There are no financing or mortgage options for foreign buyers, however this may change. 

Is there availability of title insurance?

Yes! Title insurance including damage, liability and earthquakes, are all available in Mexico. Most insurance companies offer these services at low cost and policies can be written to pay claims in U.S. dollars.

>>> Read more about the Real Estate buying process in Riviera Maya here! <<<


I want more information!

If you want to recieve more information about fideicomiso process in Mexico please leave us a message.

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